Bill Pringle - Bill@BillPringle
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One way to gain points in Pottermore is to brew potions. You will earn different points for brewing different potions. Furthermore, each potion takes a certain amount of time to brew. You can earn the most points per hour with the least interruptions by making the Sleeping Draught. There is a great video tutorial on the PotterRoar web site. That is how learned to brew potions, and they have other tutorials as well. I find it a very handy site for all things Pottermore.
I find it helpful to have the brewing instructions available to look at between steps. You can always click on the recipe, but that takes time. By having the instructions next to the browser means I can check what is next while I am using something that doesn't require close watching. When you first start brewing a potion, you will need to review the individual steps closely as you go. The more you make the potion, the less you will need detailed instructions, but can still use helpful hints.
I created a text file with
the brewing instructions for the Sleeping Draught,
which I keep in the upper left of my screen,
with the browser window positioned so that that
enough of the instructions are visible that I can make the potion.
(Click to enlarge)
You will notice that I added some additional comments to the recipe that groups some steps together. I found it easier to keep track of where I was in the recipie by lumping several steps together. For example, the first step is to crush Lavender and Standard Ingredient in the mortar. The next step is to heat Flobberworm mucus and Standard Ingredient in the cauldron. The third step is to combine the crushed mixture into the cauldron and wave your wand. Before I start each step, I glance at my cheat sheet to make sure I am remembering what to do next. Nothing is more frustrating than getting most of the way through a potion, only to mess up by forgetting a step.
If you are having problems at this point, I suggest you view the video tutorial on PotterRoar a few times until you are comfortable that you know what needs to be done.
At this point, I set a count-down timer for 52 minutes
to remind me when to come back to the potion.
I also collect the ingredients that I will need
to brew my next potion.
I click on the "Pottermore" link to return to the home screen,
and the click on "Buckbeak's Appeal" to enter that moment.
If I see a green substance on the floor next to the worms,
I double-click and collect the mucus.
(Click to enlarge)
If Flobberworm mucus was available,
that probably means that Lavender and Valerian are also available.
I then go to "The Shrieking Shack" moment,
where I also double-click and collect the Lavender
(Click to enlarge)
and then I collect the Valerian Sprigs
(Click to enlarge)
Finally, I return to the Potions screen,
scroll down to make sure I have all the ingredients needed
for my next potion,
and then click on "Cauldrons",
which displays how far along the potion has been brewed.
(Click to enlarge)
At this point, there is nothing to do until the timer goes off. You can practice dueling, do further reading and exploring, etc. I generally do something non-Pottermore (I'm terrible at dueling), such as reading email, programming, and reading articles.
Once the timer goes off, you will have about half the brewing time to begin work on the second half. Since the Sleeping Draught takes 52 minutes to brew, you will have another 26 minutes to start the second half.
We start the second half by adding 2 Standard Ingredients to the cauldron and heating it. Then we add 4 Valerian sprigs, and stir the potion clockwise 7 times. We then finish up by waving our wand. If all went well, you will gain 11 house points.
You can now click on the "Potion Book" tab and start to brew another Sleeping Draught. Once you get into the hang of things, you should be able to brew a new potion about every hour.
Here are some things that I have learned to watch out for.
If you find any typos, or have any suggestions or comments, send e-mail to [email protected]
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Bill Pringle.
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